Why Hydrogen
Over a quarter of the emissions in the US come from sectors that are hard to electrify like heavy duty transportation and aviation, agriculture, steel, and refining. The emissions from these sectors are heavily concentrated in historically disadvantaged communities. Hydrogen can be used to reduce emissions across these sectors. The vast majority of hydrogen today is produced through a process called steam methane reforming, which produces emissions. Thanks to advances in technology, it is now possible to efficiently create hydrogen through a clean process called electrolysis, which uses electricity to separate water molecules into hydrogen and oxygen. Using carbon-free electricity with electrolysis produces carbon-free hydrogen.
Scalable hydrogen economy
The alliance members engaged in the regional hydrogen economy are committed to investing in scalable, long-standing clean energy projects in the community that can sustain economic value and energy security for our communities far into the future.

Environmental Impact

Leading climate experts agree that hydrogen will play a critical role in helping the U.S. reach net zero emissions by 2050. The emissions reductions realized through investments in Midwest hydrogen infrastructure will help address the climate crisis, resulting in cleaner air and healthier communities.
Over time, there is potential to further develop hydrogen technology and uses to touch nearly every corner of our economy.
Workforce Development
Engage historically disadvantaged communities to create high paying, high value, sustaining jobs.

Transform Transportation

Aviation, ocean shipping and other long-haul freight methods are all difficult to power with batteries due to the size, weight and distances involved. Hydrogen has the potential to power our most challenging transportation needs, transforming one of our largest sources of carbon emissions.
Feed the planet, sustainably
Ammonia is the second-most produced chemical in the world, finding its way into everything from fertilizer to household cleaning products. Over half the world’s food supply depends on fertilizer made from ammonia, which is primarily made with fossil fuels, producing 27 million tons of carbon emissions annually. However, e-Ammonia can be synthesized from clean hydrogen, producing a sustainable and clean feedstock for fertilizer and other widely used chemicals.

Make the building blocks of our economy

Making steel requires large amounts of heat from fossil fuels, as well as carbon-intensive coke as a feedstock. The result is about 40 million tons of carbon emissions annually. Hydrogen can substitute for coke in the steel production process as well as potentially providing a source of process heat.